Markdown ✏️

Unleash your inner Bob Ross, and get creative with your Applications!

Using Markdown in your applications

You can use markdown to do lots of things

Because of how Apply! is made, it fully supports Discords markdowns!

Find the below information directly from Discord;

Text Formatting









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Did you know you can also highlight your text directly in Discord and a Markdown box will pop up?

Organizational Text Formatting

This is currently an experiment and is not available on all servers at this time.


To create a header you just need to include a specific number of the hash/pound sign character #.

Use # for a big header, ## for a smaller header, or ### for an even smaller header as the first character(s) in a new line to make a header. Here is an example of what each header type looks like.

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste

# Big Header ## Smaller Header ### Even Smaller Header

You can use masked links to make text a clickable or pressable hyperlink. To do so, you need to include the text you want displayed in brackets and then the URL in parentheses. For example:

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste


Discord will show a pop-up when clicking a Masked Link, always ensure the link you are being redirected to is genuine. Dans Hub is not responsible for any user becoming compromised.


You can create a bulleted list using either - or * in the beginning of each line. For example:

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste

- Bulleted List * Bulleted List

You can also indent your list by adding a space before - or * at the beginning of each line. For example:

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste

- Bulleted List - Indent

* Bulleted List * Indent

Code Blocks

You can make your own code blocks by wrapping your text in backticks `.

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste


If you want to create a multi-line code block, you can do so by wrapping your text in ```, like this beautifully written haiku.

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste

```Test Test Test```

Block Quotes

Another option is using block quotes. To use a block quote, you just need to put > at the beginning of a line of text to create a single block quote. For example:

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste

> Block Quote

If you want to add multiple lines to a single block quote, just add >>> before the first line. For example:

Here's a quick formatted message to copy and paste

>>> Block Quotes 1 Block Quotes 2 Block Quotes 3

Now you're a Discord text markdown expert. Get out there and highlight your statements!

Last updated

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